EDALC Board of Directors’ Grants Page

Applications, scoring criteria and scoring spreadsheet for the 2023-24 ComEcDev grant cycle

A Home Base for grant resources for the 2023-24 cycle

Below, you will find all of the grant applications submitted (broken into Standard and Impact grants), plus a scoring rubric document and a scoring spreadsheet.

When you complete scoring, just append your last name to the filename and email is to Paul (paul@businesslincolncounty.com). He’ll then combine all the scores into a master scoring sheet.

Our February 1st EDALC Board of Directors meeting will focus on grant scoring and funding recommendations for this year’s cycle.

Here is a link to the grant web page on the county site: https://www.co.lincoln.or.us/973/Community-and-Economic-Development-Grant

For all of the grants below, we have verified (where applicable) active nonprofit status and confirmed with the county that there are no outstanding monies owed by applicant organizations to the county. There was one incomplete application that is not included in this list (they have not responded to our queries).