Greetings and welcome to Friday and the month of May – and it looks like we’ll at least have some patches of pretty dang nice weather this weekend – we’ll have our lawn chairs by the door and stand at the ready to drop weekend chores for a while if the sun shines out and head to the beach.
Thanks for a great meeting yesterday afternoon!
Here’s our EDALC update for the week:
Cindy’s week:
* Continued working on HubSpot set-up
* Proofed EZ info brochure that Paul created
* Worked on May event invitation and guest list
* Finished final EZ resolution drafts
* Wrote April BoD meeting minutes draft
* Became fully vaccinated!!
Paul’s week:
BoD Matrix and New Member Application – Just a FEW more needed to get our board matrix filled out – please pop over and fill this out if you haven’t yet (it’ll take maybe three minutes) – thanks so much!
ART Toledo – A couple of updates on this front. YBEF approved $1,500 for ART Toledo signage at the Wednesday evening meeting (I prepared the project brief with support from Mayor Cross). Also, ART Toledo was awarded $49,000 from a competitive Travel Oregon grant for additional way-finding signage, outdoor eating locations and street beautification.
Enterprise Zone – I won’t go into too much detail since I gave a pretty long and semi-boring update on the process at yesterday’s BoD meeting. I did reach out to Depoe Bay and the City of Siletz to see if they wanted to be included in the Zone during this re-up. I present before the Lincoln City Council on Monday night regarding their resolution. I’ve also attached our EZ info sheet – right now, this is mostly for councilors and commissioners, but we’ll morph it into a marketing piece this summer.
Newport News-Times – I met with publisher Jeremy Burke again this week. We hashed out setting up an entrepreneurial marketing grant program. I’ll be meeting with Dave Price to see how we can synergize together on this work to provide a short pathway forward into this opportunity for local entrepreneurs. We also discussed having me do a monthly economic development column in their business section – looks like that is a go and I’ll work up a couple articles to get ready to launch that effort – it’ll help with larger community education on what economic development is and how it works – plus also get us some community-wide exposure.
Blue Economy – Racheal Maddock-Hughes announced yesterday that O2IH was awarded $35K from the Oregon Community Foundation for the blue economy sector analysis from Burning Glass. On Wednesday evening, YBEF approved a $5,000 as well (I wrote the project brief with Bob as co-conspiritor). I also attended a very lively meeting (with breakouts) to discuss maritime workforce pathways – that was hosted by Heather DeSert and was moving forward some of the good work she, Commissioner Hunt and other folks put forward over the past few years.
In my priority to-do list next week is wrapping up and submitting a revised Project Big Catch submission for the potentially huge aquaculture project lead from Business Oregon.
Thanks for ALL that you are doing out there! Please reach out to me if you need anything at all. Have a wonderful weekend! Remember – Sunday is Mother’s Day!
-Paul 🙂