Greetings and welcome to Friday!

Here’s our EDALC update for the week –

Cindy’s week (her first “on the job”):

* The usual new hire paperwork
* Read, researched and waded into the world of Lincoln County economic development (fascinating!)
* Began the process of settling into my work space
* Searched file boxes for past enterprise zone resolutions
* Began research on membership management software for associations/orgs
* Submitted bio and pic for website

Short editorial comment from Paul: It looks like Cindy is going to be a great fit! She’s already diving in and doing real work related to the Enterprise Zone re-designation process, she’s questioning assumptions (in a good way) and showing a ton of initiative – huzzah!

Paul’s week:

Getting Cindy up to Speed – I walked Cindy through online bill paying and how to reconcile transactions into QuickBooks Online. Earlier in the week, I provided her with quite a few online links and digital documents to begin her deep dive into the world of local economic development. I also got her email and Microsoft office access set up, but then needed to call in some of Curt’s expertise because it looks like I might have inadvertently disconnected some admin rights to the computer. And Curt wisely said: “No more fiddling.” 🙂

Getting the Word Out – The online link to the County Connections radio interview with Casey Miller is now up – you can find it here:

I also did a short EDALC presentation to the Lincoln City City Council on Monday evening – Alison Robertson lined up a number of speakers to talk about various aspects and services relating to economic development, including Dave Price, Heather DeSart, Alisa Dunlap and myself. The presentation went very well and the Council seemed quite energized to realize all the support that’s out there.

SBDC Advisory Committee – This week, I participated in my first meeting as part of our local SBDC’s Advisory Committee – what a great bunch of folks (both serving Lincoln County at the SBDC and on the committee!) and the dialogue was lively with a very high signal-to-noise ratio. One nice thing to see was that one of the SBDC’s 2020 goals was to “Support EDALC and their new Executive Director” – Dave Price said they didn’t do as much as they hoped to do but we certainly helped and supported the SBDC – always good to hear!

YBEF – At the March YBEF meeting this week, I presented project briefs on a wayfinding signage project for ART Toledo and also to seek funding and support for the Oregon Ocean Innovation Hub’s Burning Glass Blue Economy sector analysis (with some HUGE help from Birgitte!)

Value-Added Member Events – Jalene Case and I met again this week to further develop our tentative event plan and we feel like we’re close. I’ll do a little refinement and get some feedback from Cindy early next week and it will go out in our packet for a discussion item during next week’s board meeting.

Videos – Our Leadership Lincoln team took to the streets of Newport this morning to grab some b-roll footage around town. That footage will help with our series of Lincoln County videos we are develop[ing as well as other video related work Cindy and I will be doing in the future

Enterprise Zone – With some help from Heather DeSart’s office, we worked with Rogue to get a new “first source” hiring agreement set up between them and Workforce Oregon. Cindy and I also used our new office white board to start mapping out the order of operations for the enterprise zone predesignation process.

ART Toledo – I wrote a press release for ART Toledo to announce the selected artists for the Phantom Galleries and also wrote a letter of support for Toledo’s USDA Rural Business Development Grant application which will focus on developing a community marketing plan.

Strat Planning – Tomorrow morning I run a round table session on “gameifying” the strategic planning process for the Spring Game Designers’ Workshop conference – looking forward to it and I’ll be sure to report back on any nuggets we can use.

Just for Carrie – I found this trailer about a horror movie where all the critters in an aquarium facility are given the wrong medicine and they turn into menacing zombie fish, mollusks and crustaceans:

Upcoming Meeting (reminder):

EDALC April Board of Directors:
Thursday, April 1, 2021 03:30 PM Pacific Time

I’ll send an Outlook invite out early next week as a reminder.

Thanks for ALL that you are doing out there! Please reach out to me if you need anything at all. Have a wonderful weekend!


-Paul 🙂