Happy Friday and welcome to October! It’s a rainy Friday but looks to be a pretty decent weekend – certainly good enough to grill out!


Early this week, the Community & Economic Development Grant Program officially launched and went live on the Lincoln County website. Here’s the link: tinyurl.com/2024LCComEcDevGrant


Next week, Leslie, Paul and Sarah will be in Florence for the OCVA People’s Coast Summit, and Stacie will be responsible for the office on Wednesday.


Here’s our update for the week:


    • Partner Support/Community Support 
      • COG – On Thursday, Stacie and Paul met with Susan Patterson – the COG’s grant writer and manager – in the EDALC offices. We talked about community needs (mostly infrastructure) and an effort being put forth by Lincoln City’s Daphnee Lagarza to expand the EV charging network along 101 in Lincoln County. We also brainstormed a potential strategic planning project to engage unincorporated communities in the county in planning that can then help the COG prospect for grants and funding.
      • OCCC – As you’ve no doubt heard, on Monday evening, the OCCC Board of Education voted unanimously to name Marshall Roache as the next president of the college (to take over the reins on January 1, 2025). Paul also met with the Pre-Apprenticeship Steering Committee to learn about the PACT course, which just completed its third week of classes. Paul also drafted a letter of support for an NSF aquaculture education grant that the college is pursuing.
      • OCVA – Paul will be delivering the opening keynote presentation and facilitating a panel discussion for next week’s People’s Coast Summit. Paul’s presentation will focus on the “Deck of Lenses” approach he used at the Coastal Caucus Economic Summit in May, but expanded and modified to apply to our coastal tourism sector.
  • ART ToledoSarah finalized a promo video for the 2025 AOB event and sent it to Mayor Rod Cross to present at the OCVA conference next week during his presentation. 
  • Entrepreneurship
  • CW Innovation Hub – This week, the EDALC team put together a comprehensive bid package to submit to the Cascades West COG for developing an operating framework and potential governance models (and related research and activities) for a virtual Innovation Hub for the CW Economic Development District. The COG will let EDALC know next week if the bid was successful.
      • FailFest – Marketing continues for the October 24th event at Primal Tones. The lineup of speakers has almost been finalized – just a bit more work next week. The team also hopes to do a site visit next Thursday to dial in the layout of the event.
  • Core Economic Development Services
  • Community & Economic Development Grant ProgramThis week for the grant program Sarah updated the Grant Resources webpage on the EDALC site, created a promo video, and sent out a press release and mailchimp email. Stacie created images for website + social media and posted to all EDALC platforms.
      • Oregon Prospector – Sarah updated Oregon Prospector listings and checked old ones to make sure they were still active. 
  • Community Connecting
  • Café Resource at the Aquarium – This week Leslie focused on coordinating with Aquarium Staff, Café Resource Lead Partners, and over 20 Tabling Organizations in preparation for this Sunday’s Aquarium Café event. This is another long-held dream concept that’s rolling out of Leslie’s mental parking lot. Special events at the Oregon Coast Aquarium have been some of her favorites, as they always unlock the wonder of her inner child who always wanted an ocean-adjacent life. This opportunity to connect Café Resource families and Multilingual Organization representatives in one of the most inspiring venues on the Oregon Coast is an honor. Leslie hopes this 11th gathering in the Café Resource series continues passing forward marine education, recreation, and professional inspirations to multilingual folks of all ages. Thanks to all the individuals and organizations who are making this event a reality, Leslie is excited to share the outcomes of all 11 Cafés in an updated project report in the near future. 
  • Organizational Management
  • Marketing & Communication
        • Stacie finalized presentation and social media templates in Canva which will make posting more efficient and consistent moving forward. She also began working on the Fall 2024 newsletter, posted relevant partner content to social media, and completed Friday community roundup of IG/FB as usual.
  • Admin
      • Sarah updated the County Profile data on the website and checked to make sure the links were still active. 


That’s it for this week. Thanks for ALL that you are doing out there! Keep us posted if you have anything you want us to share, and don’t be stingy with your ideas – we love hearing from you! 




-The EDALC Team (Paul, Sarah, Leslie and Stacie)