Greetings and welcome to Friday and the last day in April – and it looks like we’re also seeing a lot of May flowers.
Here’s our EDALC update for the week:
Cindy’s week:
* Participated in EZ meetings with Port of Toledo and Lincoln County
* Completed draft EZ resolutions for Port of Alsea, Port of Newport, City of Newport, City of Lincoln City, City of Toledo and Port of Toledo
* Processed payroll
* Begin outlining EDALC employee manual, and systems for inventory management and document retention
* Continue updating member, media and other contact lists
* Organize, purge and consolidate files, documents and supplies
* Set up HubSpot to use for member management and BRE data capturing
* Determined date and time for May member event and annual meeting
Paul’s week:
BoD Matrix and New Member Application – Just a few more needed to get our board matrix filled out – please pop over and fill this out if you haven’t yet (it’ll take maybe three minutes) – thanks so much!
SVMC Economic Recovery Team – This week, we had the monthly meeting of the South Valley/Mid-Coast Economic Recovery Team, convened by Sarah Means of the Governor’s office. We discussed changes to county risk level system, upcoming funding for counties in Extreme Risk and ways that we can coordinate the next 12-18 months of economic recovery work with the Cascades West Economic Development District’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
ART Toledo – We met in Toledo on Thursday morning to discuss round two of artist applications for the Main Street Phantom Galleries (mid to late summer) and pulling together three Saturday events in concert with the current gallery efforts organized by the Yaquina River Museum of Art’s First Weekend Toledo Art Celebration. I’m also going to do some thinking about amping up the marketing for the available street level retail spaces occupied by the galleries.
Enterprise Zone – I put together an initial draft of a four page “explainer” of the Enterprise Zone incentive and process – I’ll get that finished up early next week. We’ll use that to share with the various city councils and port commissions that needs to vote on re-designation resolutions. After the re-up, we’ll morph that doc into an EZ marketing piece.
We also had a TON of conversation back and forth with Lincoln City and we discovered that where the state thinks the EZ is in Lincoln City is quite far off from the truth. The good news is that the re-designation process “shakes the Etch-a-Sketch” so we’ll start with a clear and easy to understand zone layout. Next Monday I meet with Spencer at Newport’s City Hall – that will be our last meeting with the sponsoring and consenting units of government before we start moving towards getting resolutions approved.
Sharing Ideas – I was honored to participate (along with quite a few of you!) in Wednesday’s evening’s Gathering of the Lincoln County Leaders event put on by the Lincoln County School Board. We learned about the district’s strategic plan and got into some great breakout room conversations (sort of like speed dating) around a myriad of salient subjects including employment pathways, education, youth and family services, infrastructure, housing, etc. What a great event!
Blue Economy – Remember Project Big Catch? It was a large-scale aquaculture project lead that came through Business Oregon. We responded to that RFI back in the Fall – and now it’s boomeranged back with some changes in the request. I’m researching the changes now, and if we’re still in the running (based on changed specs), I’ll pull together the info for another submission (which is due by May 14).
Also, several weeks ago I met a Toledo entrepreneur (who came to the coast recently from California) who is working on a prototype crab net. Last weekend, he shared with me a first photo of their prototype and his upcoming needs. I connected him with Laura Furgurson, the coastal Blue Economy Catalyst for Oregon RAIN, and hopefully we can get him into the innovator’s pipeline. We also had a great meeting of the O2IH Workforce and Innovation team today and things seem to be coming together in a very solid way. I also learned of some exciting Blue Economy opportunities and efforts being done locally that I can hopefully share or can be made public soon – lot’s of great stuff going on!
Upcoming Meeting Reminder:
EDALC May Board of Directors:
Thursday, May 6, 2021 03:30 PM Pacific Time
Susan and I are getting our second COVID shots tomorrow – AND we’re trying some bread from Pacific Sourdough in Waldport for the first time – so it looks to be a good weekend!
Thanks for ALL that you are doing out there! Please reach out to me if you need anything at all. Have a wonderful weekend!
-Paul 🙂