Greetings and welcome to Friday!
Here’s our EDALC update for the week – hard to believe that this is the last weekend in April – where does the time go?
Cindy’s week:
* Work to get newsletter ready and proofed
* Take notes during governmental Enterprise Zone calls
* Research Whereas clauses in past EZ resolutions
* Draft baseline resolution for sponsoring governmental unit
* Work on date, time and flow of EDALC/Jalene Case event
* Continue HubSpot research for member management and BRE
* Begin work on simplifying and standardizing office procedures
Paul’s week:
BoD Matrix and New Member Application – We still need a few of you to fill out our online member application to help us populate our BoD matrix. Thanks so much for those who have already submitted! Here’s the link again:
Newsletter – We wrapped up the content and got our April newsletter out on Wednesday, and have already received had some good feedback on it. Our current distribution list shoots it out to just over 110 folks. We’ll have an event blast going out soon, and our next full newsletter will be in June.
ART Toledo – Last Saturday was the “soft” opening of the Phantom Galleries in Toledo. A little over 40 folks showed up to hear Mayor Rod Cross’s remarks and meet the artists and tour the galleries. The galleries turned out great and completely transformed a number of vacant buildings into inviting art displays. I’m glad we were able to share that idea with the ART Toledo committee and that we had a hand in transforming it from an idea into a reality.
Enterprise Zone – This week, Cindy and I had four meetings with sponsoring and consenting governmental units on the re-designation process (Waldport, Lincoln City, the Port of Newport and the Port of Alsea). We walked the governmental units through the process and set up the schedules to get the resolutions passed through the various councils and commissions. We have more meetings scheduled next week and then we’ll plan, set up and host the information meeting (online) with the other affected taxing districts. Cindy worked up a draft boilerplate revolution for sponsoring governmental units and we sent one off to Waldport today.
Blue Economy – I attended the first Port Talk event hosted by Oregon RAIN, put together by Laura Furgurson, the new Blue Economy Catalyst. We got to hear a great history of the development of port activities in both Newport and Toledo from Bud Shoemake. Probably the most interesting aspect of the program was the discussion at the end of the presentation on upcoming funding challenges, economic development opportunities and how the ports fit into Oregon’s tourism ecosystem.
Aquarium Grant – You probably are all aware of this, but it certainly bears repeating: the Oregon Coast Aquarium just announced that it received a $5 million grant from the Roundhouse Foundation – the largest in the aquarium’s history. The $5 million, which will be disbursed over a five-year period, will support the Aquarium’s capital campaign for remodel, renovation, and development. Way to go Carrie and the whole aquarium team – woo hoo!
Mock Interview – I conducted a mock interview this week with a graduating student from Indiana University as part of their Game Design program. The department chair there is an old game development colleague of mine and he wanted to give his graduating students a taste of the wonderful primal fear of a first professional interview, and I was more than happy to strike a bit of fear into a young and as-of-yet unjaded heart.
Upcoming Meeting Reminders:
EDALC Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Apr 27, 2021 02:30 PM Pacific Time
EDALC May Board of Directors:
Thursday, May 6, 2021 03:30 PM Pacific Time
Thanks for ALL that you are doing out there! Please reach out to me if you need anything at all. Have a wonderful weekend!
-Paul 🙂