Business Support Resources

Support Agencies with the Know-How to help You Thrive

A community of talented professionals is at your service.

Oregon is a special place – we all know that, and that’s part of why we choose to live and work here. But Oregon also has the support organizations to give you the knowledge and the expertise to compete at the highest level. Whatever your questions or problems, there’s an experienced, professional Oregonian here to help.

EDALC Concierge Service

Think of the Economic Development Alliance as your business concierge here in Lincoln County. If you have questions about doing business (or starting a business) in Lincoln County, let us know – odds are we’ll have the answer or can point you in the right direction. If you need research or help convening regional folks to help you solve a problem, we can help. If you are looking to explore a pivot strategy or looking for a site for a new business location, contact us. If you want details on incentives, local, state or federal, we’re here to get you the information you need – confidentially and at no cost to you.
Logo: America's SBDC Oregon

Small Business Development Center

The Small Business Development Center at Oregon Coast Community College provides a number of services to the small business owners and would-be entrepreneurs of Lincoln County, from confidential consulting to training and classes. Their mission: To create joy and wealth in Lincoln County by helping start, grow, and retain profitable businesses. Programs and services are provided to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Contact the SBDC at 541-994-4166 or visit them online here.

Our Local Chambers

We have amazing local Chambers of Commerce that stand at the ready to help your business thrive.

Business Oregon

Business Oregon’s approach to traditional business development is anything but traditional. Their business and community development team focuses on proactive and substantive partnerships with the private sector, in partnership with local and regional economic development organizations. This team serves as the front door to a suite of services to identify opportunities and address challenges related to business growth and community development, from access to capital to infrastructure. Learn more on their website.

Northwest Oregon Works

Northwest Oregon Works is a catalyst in workforce development that provides leadership, creates connections, fosters partnerships, and makes investments to address the employment needs of individuals and the business community. As a non-profit organization, NOW focuses on workforce development in the Northwest Area which includes Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, and Tillamook counties. As the designated local workforce development board, NOW oversees and coordinates the public workforce system within the five-county area. Learn more on their website.

Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership

The Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) works side by side with Oregon manufacturers to build successful businesses. They draw on their team’s significant depth and breadth of real-world manufacturing experience bringing a thoughtful problem-solving approach to eliminating obstacles companies face. With roots in lean as a business operating philosophy, they leverage these methodologies to provide solutions in Manufacturing Operations, Business Financials & Strategy and Workforce Solutions to be Oregon manufacturer’s source for growth and prosperity. Learn more on their website.

Oregon Office of Small Business Assistance

The Oregon Office of Small Business Assistance is an independent, objective voice for small businesses and nonprofits from within government.
Businesses and nonprofits with 100 or fewer employees can turn to the Office of Small Business Assistance when they feel they have been treated unfairly by or have unresolved questions of state agencies, boards, commissions and councils or any unit of local government. Their services are free and confidential. Learn more on their website.

Oregon Prospector

Looking for a spot to build, move, or expand your business? Search for land and buildings based on your parameters with Business Oregon’s dynamic commercial and industrial mapping tool, Oregon Prospector. To find commercial properties for sale and for lease in Lincoln County, click here.
If you are trying to sell your commercial property and would like to increase your marketing for FREE by listing it on, please send your property information or any questions to or call (541)265-4544.


The CO.STARTERS Core program is a three-month, cohort-based program that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn ideas into action and turn a passion into a sustainable and thriving endeavor. Learn more here.

Small Business Management Program

The Small Business Management Programs presented by the Oregon Coast Community College SBDC are a unique combination of classroom learning, one-on-one guidance from a professional business instructional adviser, and networking with one goal: making you and your business more successful.
Over a nine-month period, you will learn about relevant management topics and meet regularly with your business adviser to help you to identify and prioritize outcomes and develop a plan to achieve them. You will benefit from classroom sessions by learning from seasoned professionals and your successful small business peers. You will learn how to take the material from the classroom and apply it directly to your business.

Leadership Lincoln

Enhance your leadership skills through this program designed to develop leadership and management skills for individuals who are interested in and committed to the future of Lincoln County. In addition, the program provides opportunities to connect with leaders in the community. Those interested can register here.

Reimaginando tu negocio

Reinventando lo rural, presenta una serie de talleres y recursos empresariales disponibles de forma gratuita totalmente en español. Se centran en los fundamentos del marketing, la marca y las formas de promocionar su negocio en internet con expertos en diversas áreas. Los talleres están siempre disponibles en su página web y puede tomar todos los talleres o sólo los que le interesen. Aprende más aquí.

Idea Buddy

If you are starting or updating a business, the IdeaBuddy workspace provides training and resources for getting started. Reinventing Rural members use the IdeaBuddy software platform as a tool for designing businesses and creating plans. This software makes working through ideas, creating plans, and establishing your business much easier. Register to become a member of Reinventing Rural to access this software and many other business resources for FREE here.

Kiva Loans

Kiva loans are zero interest, no collateral, no fee business loans designed to provide alternative forms of risk tolerant capital to individuals generally excluded from conventional financial systems. The loans range from $1,000-$15,000 with up to 36-month terms, they are crowdfunded and backed by millions of lenders and strategic partnerships like Umpqua Bank. Reinventing Rural is a Kiva trustee and works to help connect individuals and small businesses with training, support and financial assistance. Learn more about Reinventing Rural and Kiva here.

Work Source Oregon

Work Source Oregon is a statewide partnership with the Oregon Employment Department and state, local, and nonprofit agencies. They seek to benefit both Oregon employees and employers, and provide a variety of employment and training services to job seekers and businesses. WorkSource Oregon helps people find jobs and helps businesses find talent. To learn more, visit their website here.

Work Share

Work Share is a Work Source Oregon program that provides an alternative to laying off skilled, full time employees due to lack of hours during the slow season. If you are a business that is impacted by seasonality, this program can provide financial support to pay off a portion of your employees’ wages.
To participate in the Work Share program, employers must have three or more employees with reduced work hours. The employer must state that the employee’s work hours and wages will be cut by at least 20%, but no more than 40% per week, and that their normal work week is 40 hours or less. In order for the employee to qualify, they each must have worked full-time for six months, or part-time for 12 months just before the employer’s Work Share plan was submitted. To learn more about the program and how to register please visit the webpage here.

Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments

The OCWCOG is an association of governments that includes Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties. The organization seeks to assist communities, collaborate to solve problems and connect member governments, businesses, and individuals with a wide array of services. They offer businesses support in Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, IT (including website assistance), communications, small business loan programs for startups and expansions that do not qualify for conventional financing and more.To learn more and connect with their team, please visit their webpage linked here!