EDALC Board of Directors Application

Help Us To Continue Our Legacy of Service

Working every day to support our local business ecosystem.

The Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County (EDALC) is an Oregon 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, governed by a local Board of Directors. Our mission is to deliver professional economic development services to facilitate the creation, growth and retention of Lincoln County businesses. The EDALC is funded by Lincoln County and the generous support of its member businesses.

OUR MISSION – To deliver economic development services to facilitate creation, growth and retention of Lincoln County businesses.

OUR VISION – The Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County leverages information and relationships to enhance an environment for investment in Lincoln County.

    Where do you live in Lincoln County?
    North CountyCentral CountySouth CountyEast County

    What is your previous nonprofit experience?
    Nonprofit GovernanceFundraisingNonprofit Finance

    Please let us know your core competencies and interests:
    Business DevelopmentInformation TechnologyLeadershipLegalMarketingPublic SpeakingStrategic ThinkingWriting/Communication

    Please let us know areas where you have connections and/or experience:
    BusinessEducationEntrepreneurshipFinanceGovernmentHealthcareHospitalityLatinX CommunityMaritimeMediaNatural Resources/TimberPhilanthropyReal EstateService OrganizationsTourismTribal